F2840 & F2245, F4265, F4267, F1140, & F4266
Policies |
Certificates |
Added search by certificate number to cert summary (both views). (F2840 & F2245)
Added sort by # of cert holders to certificate summary screen. (F4265)
Added number of certificate holders to certificate summary screen. (F4267)
The POLICIES > certificates tab search filter has been updated with the following new criteria options: (F1140)
Remove sort by printed status from certificate summary (field does not exist) & change name
of status header to certificate status. (F4266)
F2438 |
Policies |
Certificates |
Ability to export user rights templates. On the client's POLICIES > certificates tab > certificate details > certificate holders tab check boxes have been added to select each holder. Once selections have been made in the check boxes, the [Export Selected] option can be clicked to export the list of holders to Microsoft® Excel®. (F2438) |
F4280 - 4282 & F3464 |
Context Tools
Add client search context tool for open and new market. (F4280)
Add client search context tool for servicing. (F4281)
Add client search context tool for policy summary. (F4282)
On the SEARCH screen, after searching for a client the resulting client Details icon can be right-clicked to open the context menu on which a New Certificate option is available. The New Certificate option opens the new certificate tab to begin creating a new certificate for the client. (F3464)
F3296, F3896, D10970, F4273 - F4275, F3479, F1278 |
Certificate Detail
Certificate Holder Summary
Paging navigation has been added to the client's POLICIES > certificates tab > certificate details > certificate holders tab. Now if there are 11 or more certificate holders records, the paging navigation can be used to go to specific pages of certificate holders results. (F3296)
Allow more than 100 certificates to be viewed and add save filter settings. (F3896)
Change view certificate icon to looking glass and remove the word filter from show hide filters. (D10970)
Add new field for holder status. (F4273)
Add number of records per page option and default to 10. (F4274)
Switch order of Clear and Search command buttons, add new field for holder status
with checkboxes and ability to sort by holder status. (F4275)
Add issue date as search field on certificate holder summary. (F3479)
Ability to inactivate individual certificate holders. (F1278)
D9211, D10490, F4271, F4272 & D9748 |
Policies |
Certificates |
Aborting a certificate refreshes to the client card file rather than the cert summary screen. (D9211)
Disabled the ability to add holder and issue certificates on an inactive or cancelled master.(D10490) (F4271)
Change function of post option to Save and Post. Currently if information is entered
in DOO and then Post is selected, information is lost (user must select Save Changes
first). (F4272)
Correct how the default description of operations prints on the certificate. (D9748)
F3718 |
Policies |
Certificates |
Show policy description when selecting policies for certificates. (F3718) |
F1686 & F4276 |
Certificate Detail
Certificate Holder Detail
Ability to enter foreign phone and fax numbers on certificate holder (gives error that it's
invalid ‐ should work like client contact screen). (F1686)
Added holder status to certificate holder detail screen. (F4276)
F4268 |
Policies |
Certificates |
Added back command button to create new certificate screen. (F4268) |
F4269 |
Policies |
Certificates |
Switched order of copy and cancel command buttons on copy certificate screen. (F4269) |
F4279, D10973 & D4097 |
Added to NIC label “Send holder list to insured for review”. (F4279)
Corrected error when sending NIC (D10973)
Processing certificates for Renewal no longer omits holders beyond 100 (also corrected display to include more than 100 holders for NIC users) (D4097)
F3743, F3792 - F3799, F3826 - F3829 |
Actions |
Filter Enhancements ‐Certain search filters have been updated to keep the search filter open while paging through the results. Also added a Restore option that restores the last saved filter settings. The placement of the [Add New] and [Hide] / [Show] filter toggles have been changed as well.
- Home > Actions (F3743)
- Client > Actions (F3792)
- Policies > Actions (F3794)
- Marketing > Actions (F3796)
- Opportunity > Actions (F3798)
Added a Files Per Page option in the Sort Filters area of the following summary pages.
- Client > Actions (F3793)
- Policies > Actions (F3795)
- Marketing > Actions (F3797)
- Opportunity > Actions (F3799)
Added the Date Variable option to the following search filters.
- Client > Actions (F3826)
- Policy > Actions (F3827)
- Marketing > Actions (F3828)
- Opportunity > Actions (F3829)
F3744, F3800 - F3804 |
Client |
Filter Enhancements ‐Certain search filters have been updated to keep the search filter open while paging through the results. Also added a Restore option that restores the last saved filter settings. The placement of the [Add New] and [Hide] / [Show] filter toggles have been changed as well.
- Client > Policy (F3744)
- Client > History (F3803)
- Client > Marketing (F3800)
Added a Files Per Page option in the Sort Filters area of the following summary pages.
- Client > Policy (F3801)
- Client > History (F3804)
- Client > Marketing (F3802)
F883, F3862, F4204 - F4206 |
Added search and sort by claimant. (F883)
Display LOB on policy claims tab. (F3862)
A Claimant Summary section has now been added to the claims > details tab. (F4204)
Prefill to add new claim payment with drop-down containing claimant selections added. (F4205)
Added search by claimant to HOME > CLAIMS screen. (F4206)
F2800 & F4278 |
Certificate Detail
Added ability to create a PDF print batch of more than 100 certificates from the certificate holder
summary view. (F2800)
Switched order of Cancel and OK buttons on certificate batch print screen. (F4278)
F2229, F2373, F3604 & D9678, D11416 |
Option added to refresh client data on remarket. (F2229 & F3604)
When using the Lookup function for a policy schedule, the ability to add more than one schedule item at a time has been added. A check box next to each resulting schedule is now available to select multiple schedules at once. (F2373)
Application Date on market existing will now update to the current date. (D9678)
The Policy mode when marketing existing policies will be added to the marketing record header instead of Pending mode. (D11416)
F4665 - F4667 |
Policy |
When searching for an Additional Interest during the population of a schedule, there is a new button at the bottom of the search screen. Now there is the option to Use Selection of the Additional Interest, Use Selection and Close the search dialog, or just Close. The first option to Use Selection will allow the search dialog box to stay open while another search is performed. (F4665)
Improvements have been made to the performance of the Additional Interest search. The pop-up indicating number of records returned has been removed to streamline workflow. (F4666)
Improvements have been made to the performance of the Sort feature on the Navigation Toolbar for Additional Interest schedules. Additional Interests now prefill the schedule in the order the records were selected in the search results screen. (F4667)
F4277 |
Certificate Detail |
Attachments |
Switched order of Cancel and OK buttons on certificate add attachment screen. (F4277) |
F3504, F3584, F4314, F4358 & F4359 |
Client Access |
Policies |
The Client Access portal must be first set up in Nexsure. The following set of four videos cover the setup procedures. (Video 1) |
Client Access |
Policies |
Client Access set up. (Video 2) |
Client Access |
Policies |
Client Access set up. (Video 3) |
Client Access |
Policies |
Client Access set up. (Video 4) |
F3504, F3584, F4314, F4358 & F4359 |
Client Access |
Policies |
Client Access login and navigation. |
F660 & F2338 |
Servicing |
Verifications |
The carrier phone number now populates to generated Auto ID cards. (F660 & F4148)
The carrier address now populates to the generated Auto ID cards that require the carrier address. The carrier address for the Auto ID card will be pulled from the Mailing Address of the carrier locations tab. (F2338)
F4475 |
Client |
Policies |
Added field for primary policy State to policy header. (F4475) |
F3925, F3926, F4118 - F4124 |
Additional Interest
Financial Entity
Premium Finance
Retail Agent
Tax Authority
Capture and display last updated by name and date on retail agent location tab. (F3925)
Capture and display last updated by name and date on retail agent name tab. (F3926)
Add search and sort to location summary screen.
- Carrier > Locations (F4124)
- Additional Interest > Locations (F4118)
- Retail Agent > Locations (F4121)
- Vendor > Locations (F4123)
- Tax Authority > Locations (F4122)
- Premium Finance > Locations (F4120)
- Financial Entity > Locations (F4119)
F4241 |
Client |
Profile |
Client people migration to .NET. (F4241)
- International address options have been added to the client card file tab.
- On the client locations tab, the phone number displayed on the summary is the number that was marked Primary. A fax number should not be marked as primary or the Phone and Fax numbers will be the same.
F4661 |
Carrier |
Carrier Names |
Sort carrier names summary by primary flag then alpha, ascending. (F4661) |
F3824, F3911 - F3917 |
Home Menus
Business Type Templates (F3824)
Add business type drop-down to search filter and populate based on user rights
- Home > Opportunities (F3911)
- Home > Marketing (F3912)
- Home > Edits (F3913)
- Home > Expirations (F3914)
- Client > Opportunities (F3915)
- Client > Marketing (F3916)
- Client > Policies (F3917)
F4113 |
Policies |
Certificates |
Print the Nexsure Certificate Number on the Certificate. Reason: When the certificate
is returned for correction it is difficult to locate the exact Certificate without this
number. (F4113)
F4811 |
Policies |
Certificates |
Enable the user to look up property locations for the ACORD 24, 27, and 28. (F4811) |
F3901 |
Retail Agent |
Policies |
Retail Agent portal ‐ initial. (F3901) (Video 1) |
Retail Agent |
Policies |
Retail Agent Access (Video 2) |
Retail Agent |
Policies |
Retail Agent Access (Video 3) |
Retail Agent |
Policies |
Retail Agent Access (Video 4) |
Retail Agent |
Policies |
Retail Agent Access login and navigation. (Video 5) |